Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

I’m not sure what prompted it (maybe the thrill of nice summer sunshine), but I’ve been thrifting and antiquing a lot more often lately. Actually, I think this unintentional shopping spree routine also had a lot to do with the fact that I had just recently completed a large purge of our existing collection on Facebook Marketplace.

As you may know, I adore change, which means I tend to rotate our home décor on a regular basis. Every six months or so, I sell off a good bit of our older pieces to new appreciative homes, which allows our own space to breathe a sigh of relief. Then, inevitably, I get to go out hunting for new pieces!

It’s a delightful little cycle of secondhand treasures through our lives, and this summer marked a moment in time when I got to go out in search of lots of fresh new items for our home. You already saw our new-to-us antique glass coffee table, and today I’m going to talk through the “new” pair of lamps in our main bedroom.

Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

I spotted them in the basement of one of my favorite local antique stores in Staunton, Virginia. The lower level is generally full of mid-century specific pieces, so I always make a point to head down to the depths of the building to see what kinds of retro treasures I can find. This time I remember turning the corner and immediately spotting two beautiful matching mid-century table lamps.

I didn’t necessarily need these lamps (I ended up having to sell our old lamps to make room for these beauties), but there was just something so special about the scale of the lamps and the neutral color scheme. Retro lighting is one of my favorite things to shop for, but it can be tricky. A lot of times they’re really bold and colorful, which can make it difficult to incorporate into an already-established color scheme at home. These, though, sported a nice cream and gray color palette that worked with our cream and gray bedroom just perfectly.

Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

Another thing that caught my eye about these lamps in particular was the fact that they matched identically (not easy to find in antique lighting!), and that both shades were intact. I’ve seen so many incredible mid-century lamps only to realize that their original shades are either damaged beyond repair or missing altogether. In my opinion, there is no way to match a modern shade with an authentic 1960s antique lamp base, so whenever I see one with its original shade, I always go in for a closer look.

The clean shades, matching bases, and working condition of both lamps meant that the price tag was a bit on the higher side, but for all the reasons I explained it was worth it to me. They were $80 each, and worth every penny. My mom was with me that day, and she graciously helped me schlep these giant lamps all through downtown Staunton (mammoth hills included) so that I could set them up in our bedroom.

Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

As you can see, they fit right in. I love how the striped pattern on the lamps is a cool contrast to our polk dot wallpaper. The two patterns might have competed too much if the colors weren’t nearly identical, but they really do complement each other nicely thanks to those repeated shades of cream, white, and a gray. Have you been antiquing or thrift hunting lately? If so, comment and let me know all about the treasures you’ve found!

Secondhand Score: Mid-Century Striped Lamps

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How To Properly Load A Dishwasher

How To Properly Load A Dishwasher

Have you ever wondered if you’re loading your dishwasher correctly? I’m ashamed to admit that this thought spun around in my head with no resolution for years. It was one of those things where I would remember that I wanted to do some research on the topic right as I was filling the dishwasher with dirty dishes, which is, of course, the worst time to pause what you’re doing to go look up a “how to” article.

Well, today I’m finally fixing this conundrum of mine once and for all by writing my own “how to” article, complete with a full list of tips that will make sure your dishes get their cleanest and that your dishwasher works as efficiently as it can. Keep scrolling for the scoop, and if you want more information about our new smart dishwasher (which we’re still loving, by the way!), click here.

How To Properly Load A Dishwasher

How To Properly Load A Dishwasher

How To Properly Load A Dishwasher:

1. Use the bottom rack for bulky items and everyday bowls/plates. Follow the directions for your own dishwasher, but we have a special zone that’s made especially for casserole dishes and other bulky items that typically sport lots of baked-on food waste. Make sure you’re putting those pieces on the bottom rack so that they have the most direct contact with the strongest water jets along the bottom of your dishwasher (and don’t forget to hit that “boost power” setting on your washer when you power it on if you have that capability).

2. Load dirty silverware business-side-up so that they also have maximum exposure to water jets. I used to put my silverware the opposite way in the basket because it was easier and meant I was less likely to get food smears on my hand, but then I wondered why the items came out only semi-clean. Now I turn them dirty-side-up and have much more success.

3. Dishwasher-safe plastic and other small dishes go in the middle. This helps save room on that all-important bottom rack for everyday plates, bowls, etc. and casserole dishes, but also helps ensure that your plastic items hold their shape for longer. If you put plastic on the bottom, you risk them warping over time due to exposure to the high heat water.

4. Save your third rack for awkward or oversized utensils, like spatulas and pasta spoons. This is a great tip for those of you with a bonus third rack. Our new dishwasher came with this ultra-high drawer, and it has been a game-changer. Now, we’re no longer trying to stuff spatulas and pasta spoons into our cramped second level. If you ever have the chance to upgrade your dishwasher in order to gain that third rack, I highly recommend it.

5. Use the vertical tines on each level to your advantage. For the longest time, I used the tines just as a demarcation for rows in our second rack. Now, though, I slip the edges of our small bowls, cups, and Tupperware containers over a single tine each to keep the items in place during the wash cycle. This minimizes the number of tipped-right-side-up containers that I inevitably have to wash a second time because they end up filled with dirty dishwasher water.

6. Double-check to be sure that your dishes and utensils aren’t in the way of rotating or sliding dishwasher parts. Easy, but crucial.

7. And, finally, pick the right dishwasher setting for the particular set of dishes you’re trying to get clean. The reason we have dishwashers is to make our kitchens energy-efficient, right? Well, using a setting that’s too wimpy for the types of dishes you need to clean means that you have to double your work at the sink after a dishwasher run. And using an ultra strong dishwasher setting when you don’t need to overworks your machine unnecessarily. I know it’s a little extra work, but get familiar with your dishwasher’s manual so you know what setting to pick for each of your individual loads.

How To Properly Load A Dishwasher

Review: Samsung's Bespoke Dishwasher

I hope that was helpful! As soon as I started doing my own research on how to load a dishwasher, everything sort of clicked and made more sense. My routine feels more intentional now, and I no longer have to think so hard when I put away dirty dishes. It definitely feels more natural, and our dishes come out cleaner, too. I should have looked this info up years ago. Maybe that sounds extreme to you (that I’ve been stressed about loading a dishwasher for years), but such is the life of an over-thinker. Anyway, I hope that today’s post helps dispel kitchen cleanup stress for my fellow over-worriers out there. You’ve got the know-how now, so go forth with confidence!

How To Properly Load A Dishwasher

Your DIY Guide To Home Decorating eBook

*I earn a small percentage from purchases made using the affiliate links above. Affiliate links are not sponsored. Rest assured that I never recommend products we wouldn’t use or don’t already love ourselves.

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