Prioritizing Beautifully Responsible® Flooring

Prioritizing Beautifully Responsible® Flooring | + @ResponsibleFloors #ad #responsiblefloors #beautifullyresponsible

**This post is sponsored by Beautifully Responsible® Resilient Flooring. All opinions are entirely my own.

It might surprise you to know that I don’t actually consider myself a perfectionist. Yes, I have certain standards when it comes to how I arrange and decorate a room, but my drawers aren’t perfectly organized, I’ve got lots of random things stuffed haphazardly into the back of our closet, and all over our house you’ll find abandoned old nail holes from art I’ve moved around. I also hate to dust, so don’t ever run your finger over our tabletops if you come visit!

My point is that when it comes to living in our home, I’m more interested in loving and enjoying the space rather than spending hours perfecting or overthinking every single surface. I want fabrics that hide pet hair, and bathroom tile that doesn’t show water spots. I want linen fabrics on our beds that are made to look good when wrinkled, and I also want to prioritize flooring that can stand up to whatever we throw at it without having to worry about water damage or getting it refinished down the line. I’d like to take a deeper dive into that last concept with a little help from my friends at Beautifully Responsible® Resilient Floors, who are the sponsors of today’s post.

Prioritizing Beautifully Responsible® Flooring | + @ResponsibleFloors #ad #responsiblefloors #beautifullyresponsible

Prioritizing Beautifully Responsible® Flooring | + @ResponsibleFloors #ad #responsiblefloors #beautifullyresponsible

Prioritizing Beautifully Responsible® Flooring | + @ResponsibleFloors #ad #responsiblefloors #beautifullyresponsible

You may remember that we had eco-friendly flooring installed in our family room back in 2016. The original old berber carpet we had inherited from the previous homeowners was completely shot by the time we moved in, so we ripped that up with the intention of putting down responsible resilient laminate flooring that was easier to maintain and better for the environment, too. When we ripped up the old carpet, we actually found an under layer of asbestos tile, which is about as “bad for you” as a person can get. We carefully removed all traces of that toxic tile, and finally had our eco-friendly laminate wood-look floors installed. We could officially breathe so much easier once this update was done—literally!

In case you’re new to the concept of resilient flooring, let me explain. You can actually learn a whole lot more about this product over on the Beautifully Responsible® website here, but generally this flooring category includes products that are made to last and that offer you and your family a safe environment to live in and physically walk around on. After our experience with the unexpected asbestos tile in our family room, we were so relieved to know that we (and our pets) could sit right down on our new laminate floors safely without worrying about coming into contact with harmful chemicals.

Prioritizing Beautifully Responsible® Flooring | + @ResponsibleFloors #ad #responsiblefloors #beautifullyresponsible

Of course, it wasn’t just about the “unseen” things when we chose our new responsible floors. We also wanted to make sure that we could avoid the obvious drawbacks of other more delicate flooring types—think: scratches from moving furniture around (a near-weekly occurrence at our house), pet stains, water marks, etc. We ultimately wanted to avoid having to deal with disruptive maintenance, like refinishing, down the line. Our 12 mm laminate flooring needs no water protection, and we didn’t have to worry about involving chemical sealers. We’ve been living well with these floors since the day they were installed, and haven’t had to do a thing to maintain them since.

Prioritizing Beautifully Responsible® Flooring | + @ResponsibleFloors #ad #responsiblefloors #beautifullyresponsible

Prioritizing Beautifully Responsible® Flooring | + @ResponsibleFloors #ad #responsiblefloors #beautifullyresponsible

It’s worth mentioning that the Beautifully Responsible® brand doesn’t actually make or sell resilient flooring. Their mission is to educate homeowners on the topic of responsible, sustainable floors, including laminate flooring, luxury vinyl tile, rubber, linoleum, and cork floors. In addition to education, they also serve as a resource for those of you looking to start a new flooring project. Click here to access the list of manufacturers who can help bring your project to life.

Visit to learn more, and shop resilient flooring made by Beautifully Responsible® manufacturers at your local flooring store or using this linked list of trusted partners. Now, I want to hear about your next flooring project! We’re actually about to take on some pretty major renovations ourselves (more on that coming soon), so I’m excited to start dreaming about our next responsible flooring upgrade. I’m thinking we’ll start in the bathroom…Which room could you stand to upgrade?

Prioritizing Beautifully Responsible® Flooring | + @ResponsibleFloors #ad #responsiblefloors #beautifullyresponsible

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Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Appliances generally blend seamlessly into a kitchen without any effort on your part, but there are still a few key things to keep in mind as you work to create a sense of cohesion between your décor and appliances. We actually ended up filling our own retro kitchen with all mis-matched appliances. The vintage stove we inherited from the previous homeowners is shiny chrome and white metal, our refrigerator is traditional stainless steel, and our new dishwasher is a stainless steel that has a hint of a warmth to it. Nothing matches, but we managed to make the set look intentional and cohesive simply by styling strategically. Keep reading for my best tips and tricks if you’re looking to make your own appliance collection feel like a natural fit in your space.

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Metal Accents

Pick one metallic color that best matches the finish of your new appliance, then repeat that metal across the room to make your appliance look more intentional and integrated alongside the rest of the accents in your kitchen. This could be done with accessories like a recipe card frame, drink shaker, or even a utensil crock. I decided to incorporate rich gold accents since I felt like that tone complemented the warm-ish “Tuscan Steel” color of our new dishwasher.

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Go Green

Don’t forget plants! I never consider a room properly styled until I add live (or faux) greenery. Trailing vines and potted leafy plants add texture, life, and color to the room and, if you pot them in metallic planters, they’ll also tie back to the finish of your appliance.

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Soften Things Up

Finish the space with soft woven textures to help break up all of the solid surfaces and give the room an inviting sense of warmth. This could be anything from a woven fruit basket, to a washable rug. Even something as simple as draping a pretty patterned tea towel over the handle of your new appliance can help soften the look and add some personality to your space. The “tea towel over the handle” trick will also help draw the eye to your new appliance and make it a focal point.

Styling A Kitchen Around An ApplianceStyling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Styling 101

Here are a handful of my best practices when arranging accents on any surface:

1. Create multiple small groupings of objects for a more relaxed vibe.

2. Use trays and bowls to corral smaller loose items so it looks less cluttered.

3. Don’t feel like you need to fill every single square inch! Negative space is good.

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

How To Properly Load A Dishwasher

I hope that was helpful! I know from personal experience how stressful it can be to purchase a new appliance, and the finish color is a major part of that decision. Should you pick something to match your existing appliances? Or go with something really bold and plan to replace the others to match over time? Maybe you want to go entirely mis-matched like we did! Whatever you decide, just know that there is a way to make your appliance collection look intentional. Just think carefully through your whole-room styling, and your new appliance will feel like a natural part of the team in no time.

Styling A Kitchen Around An Appliance

Your DIY Guide To Home Decorating eBook

*I earn a small percentage from purchases made using the affiliate links above. Affiliate links are not sponsored. Rest assured that I never recommend products we wouldn’t use or don’t already love ourselves.

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