Surprise: We Adopted A Second Kitten!

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

I’ve got big news to share today: John and I adopted a second rescue kitten! It’s a bit of a long tale, so grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea, and settle in to learn all the details. This all started back in July. If you remember, we brought home our kitten, Marlo, after losing our older cat, Tonks, to Lymphoma. We’ve learned over the years that adopting after loss helps us heal, so it was practically instinctual for me to feel the urge to visit our local shelter after Tonks’s passing.

You can read Marlo’s adoption story this way in case you missed it, but I actually did my best to convince John at that time to let us adopt two kittens. I was reading up on kittens a lot in those days leading up to Marlo’s adoption, and nearly every article I perused insisted that adopting two kittens was better than one. Having a playmate helps them adjust to their new home faster, and it also provides a distraction from biting or scratching humans—they just bite each other instead! Seemed like a win-win to me, but in the end we decided to adopt our single girl, Marlo. Again, full story this way so you can get a sense of our big picture.

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

Right after bringing Marlo home, I called our vet to make an appointment for her first check-up. Shortly after getting that all set up, our vet called me personally to chat about Marlo. Our vet and I have gotten pretty close over the years as we’ve dealt with healthy and not-so-healthy fur babes, so she was excited to hear about our new addition.

While on the phone with her, she tentatively asked the question, “Does Marlo want a friend…?” Turns out that our vet had performed an emergency medical intervention on a newborn Flame Point Siamese kitten who had a really bad abscess on his forehead, probably from a cat fight while living out in the country somewhere, she said. She also said that she believes he has Cerebellar Hypoplasia, which is caused by a lack of development of the brain while the kitten is growing. Essentially, he’s always going to be a little wobbly, but, happily, CH will not affect his lifespan or quality of life. Our vet sent us pictures of the kitten, whom she had named Coconut Joe, and I immediately showed them to John.

The other simultaneous thing you need to grasp throughout this situation was the state of our other cat, Ginny. She was the last of our older pets at 15 years old, and had been dealing with kidney disease and hyperthyroidism for years. She was doing okay at that point, but definitely was starting to show her age. Ginny had been slowly losing weight ever since her diagnosis, and we knew that any additional years with her would be a blessing more than a guarantee. I asked John if he thought it would be worthwhile to go ahead and adopt this second kitten in need with the long-term outlook that we wouldn’t adopt again after Ginny’s eventual passing. In other words, this would be it for us for a while.

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

As you can probably guess from the photos in today’s post, John and I decided to go for it! He and I are always asking ourselves what on earth we can do for our incredible vet, and generally we just don’t know how we could ever repay her for all the care she gives our family. But when she mentioned this kitten who was in need of a loving home, I knew this was actually something we really could do for her. We said yes to Coconut Joe, and counted down the days until he joined our family in mid-August after healing fully with our vet in her own home.

This is when the story turns sad. I guess fate was gently nudging us in a very specific direction because Ginny’s health started to unexpectedly plummet in early August. By the time Joe came home, it was clear that she was in pretty bad shape. She lost all of what remained of her weight, and the muscle loss resulted in her being super unsteady on her feet. She was still cuddly and oh-so-sweet with us and the kittens, but we knew that she was trying to tell us it was her time.

The photo below shows the kittens the morning that we said goodbye to Ginny. I remember coming upon them like this in a chair looking like a little heart and bursting into renewed tears. It was a really, really hard day, especially after losing Tonks just 45 days beforehand, not to mention all the stresses that come along with new kittens…But we got through it.

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

It has been a couple of weeks since Ginny’s passing, and three weeks since Joe came home to us. Things finally feel like they’re settling down a little bit, but I’ll admit that it hasn’t been the easiest transition. This summer kicked our butts, but we’re so lucky to have these two beautiful kittens who love each other (and our dog, Chessie, too, of course!). I have plans to write a whole blog post about integrating new kittens into your home, so stay tuned for that in a little while if it’s of interest to you. Until then, we miss you every day, Ginny, and we hope you’re watching over your kittens. I’m so glad Marlo and Joe got to meet you before you left us. Sleep tight, sweet girl! And welcome home, Joe!

Introducing A New Kitten To Your Home

Your DIY Guide To Home Decorating eBook

*I earn a small percentage from purchases made using the affiliate links above. Affiliate links are not sponsored. Rest assured that I never recommend products we wouldn’t use or don’t already love ourselves.

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My Favorite Couch Covers For Pets

My Favorite Couch Covers For Pets

*Today’s post was made possible by Nolan Interior, and features gifted product for the purposes of a candid review. All opinions are my own.

Now, you’ve probably noticed quite a bit of “turnover” when it comes to the furniture in our house. I love change, and get such a thrill from hunting down cool new furniture pieces for our rooms. This means I’m constantly selling old furniture to make room for new items, but every now and then we come across a piece that’s a keeper. That perfect specimen of style, functionality, shape, and comfort, which we hold on to for years and years—possibly forever!

Case in point: the sectional sofa in our sunroom. We’ve had this couch since 2017, and don’t have any plans to pass it along to a new owner. We love the slightly warm gray color of the upholstery, the durable nubby texture of the fabric itself is really easy to clean, and the low silhouette is such a nice complement to our modern aesthetic. Sadly, it has since been discontinued by the company we ordered it from, so we would never be able to directly replace it if something happened to it, so we baby this couch like crazy. We steam clean it regularly to keep the fabric in pristine condition, and regularly fluff the cushions so they retain their shape. One thing we’ve recently been struggling with, though, is keeping our new kitten, Marlo, from getting into the fabric with her claws.

My Favorite Couch Covers For PetsMy Favorite Couch Covers For PetsMy Favorite Couch Covers For Pets

Marlo loves to go wild across the expanse of this extra wide couch, and I love to see her bounce around with her toys, but I do cringe every time I hear her claws sink into and rip a little at the couch fabric. I knew it was time to figure out an added layer of protection so we can keep our favorite couch looking its best for another five years—hopefully, more.

If you’re on social media, you’ve probably seen the Magic Sofa Covers that are all over the Internet. They’ve gone a bit viral this past year, and I don’t mind admitting that I was intrigued by the thought of being able to cover our couch in what looked like a matter of seconds. As luck would have it, Nolan Interior (the maker of these genius sofa covers) happened to get in touch about a partnership around this exact time, and so I jumped at the chance to try them out.

My Favorite Couch Covers For PetsMy Favorite Couch Covers For PetsMy Favorite Couch Covers For PetsMy Favorite Couch Covers For Pets

I chose their Magic Sofa Cover in the “Wheat” style. The subtle dashed pattern felt like a good fit for our aesthetic at home, and I love how the “Chrome Grey” color is an almost perfect match for our gray sectional sofa. I ordered two seat covers, three back covers, and one chaise cover—the grand total coming in at under $125. Not bad for covers that protect nearly the entire surface area of our giant sectional! The only pieces still left exposed are the arms and the back of the couch, so I just keep a close eye on Marlo when she walks and plays along those surfaces.

The covers arrived ready to go. I just ran them through the washer and dryer to freshen them up, and then wrapped each cover around its assigned cushion. Each cover has a tag that tells you what type it is (“back,” “seat,” or “chaise”) so putting them on the couch was a breeze. While putting the covers on didn’t exactly take the mere seconds the Internet would have you believe, it really was super quick and easy. I was done in less than 10 minutes. The process is essentially the same as putting a fitted sheet on a mattress, if you can imagine that.

My Favorite Couch Covers For PetsMy Favorite Couch Covers For PetsMy Favorite Couch Covers For PetsMy Favorite Couch Covers For Pets

My Favorite Couch Covers For Pets

My Favorite Couch Covers For Pets

I left in that one detail photo above so you could see how the covers not only protect our couch from claws, they also help discretely capture pet fur. As soon as I notice the couch covers getting a little furry, I give them a quick vacuum and then often times go ahead and run them through the wash to remove all pet dander. It’s a fantastic system, and I feel much better about us being able to keep our couch for the long haul now. Bonus: the fabric of the covers is actually a whole lot softer than the upholstery of the couch itself, so I find myself laying on this sofa a lot more than I used to. I want couch covers for all of our sofas now! Grab yours on the Nolan Interior website here, and let me know which style and color you’d get.

My Favorite Couch Covers For Pets

Your DIY Guide To Home Decorating eBook*I earn a small percentage from purchases made using the affiliate links above. Affiliate links are not sponsored. Rest assured that I never recommend products we wouldn’t use or don’t already love ourselves.

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