Easy as D-I-Y: Floral Wire Air Plant Holder


Although trends, I think, get a bit of a bad rap, I’m actually a fan of riding the waves. There’s always something new to try, some kind of fresh new spin to put on classic ideas. All in all, I take it as a personal challenge to come up with my own take on the latest trend. Case in point, the air plant craze.


Ever since my Sea & Asters air plants arrived, I’ve been playing around with containers for them. While two ended up in a glass terrarium, another pair needed an environmental upgrade. My plan was to use gold floral wire to create a spherical “cage” by wrapping the wire around a ball, that could later be suspended from the ceiling using fishing line. The reality of my vision though? Not so great…

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So on to “Plan B.” Which was? Well, my sister, who happened to be sitting in the background during this project, suggested that I wrap the wire around something more vertical. I grabbed a glass candle sitting on the coffee table and wrapped the wire around and around.

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The candle slipped out leaving behind a perfectly shaped DIY wire container, and then the plants slipped right in. I love the touch of gold it adds to my desk, and that the plants still peek through, but are contained.

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 I have a feeling that this won’t be my last air plant project…

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