Looking Back on 2013


^^^ that time Design*Sponge featured our
home tour…Photo: Mallory Benedict

So I know that we’re already 7 days into 2014, but I wanted to try to at least pause for a quick intake of air to reflect on 2013. It was a really good year. Like, really good. And I haven’t been able to say that in close to 5 years.

Most of life following college graduation in ’08 was met with too many moves to even remember, new jobs, oscillating income, a very sudden romance+marriage and a completely erratic quest to find my meant-to-be career. While a lot of that was good, it was hard on (as my sister would say) my little girl brain, and I was often left feeling more than a little stretched.


^^^ this guy clearly makes me just a little
happy…Photo: Katie Stoops

The one major ray of sunshine in that HALF A DECADE stint (besides John, of course)? This here little blog. I’ve never in my entire life felt so inspired, creative and empowered, and realizing that I could pass even a tiny bit of that on to you guys makes every botched project, late night and server crash worth it.


^^^ that time I went to NYC for a Better Homes and Gardens

I hope that this goes without saying, but seriously – from the absolute bottom of my heart – THANK YOU for stopping by. Thank you for your support, your enthusiasm, your suggestions and your creativity. Whether you know it or not, I learn so much from you.







^^^ a handful of my favorite projects from 2013…click
the photos for individual posts

Oh, and if you’re curious about my New Year’s resolutions, they aren’t very exciting. I’m resolving to floss every day and to save a set amount of money each month. Short, simple, sweet and (hopefully, come December) successful.

Cheers to 2014 and making DGD’s 4th year one to remember!!

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